Outstanding achievements

   Establishment and Development of the National Crop Genebank
1. PGR Inventory and collection
The areas where are high biodiversity and plant genetic resources erosion in the country have been inventoried and identified.
Every year, more than 500 accessions of plant resources collected, especially since 2007 to 2009 about 5,100 ones collected in the migration area of Son La hydropower reservoir and its vicinity.

 2. PGR  Conservation and maintenance

Ex situ conservation: The National Crop Genebank currently maintains 37,000 accessions of 300 crop species, of which:

* At the Plant Resources Center:

Seed Genebank currently maintains 26,500 accessions of 83 orthodox seed crop species.

Field Genebank currently maintains 3,700 accessions of 32 vegetative propagated crops, including root and tubers, spices etc…

In-vitro Genebank currently maintains around 500 taro accessions of which field conservation is problematic.

* At the National Plant Genetic Resources Network:

Over 6,200 germplasm accessions of 275 crop species are conserved by 3 methods: On-farm, cold store and in-vitro.

In situ conservation (including On-farm, Homegarden): Recently, some sites established in Hoabinh, Hanoi, Hungen, Namdinh, Ninhbinh, Cantho etc.

3. Characterization, Evaluation and Documentation

–  A total of 19,000 germplasm accessions were characterized in 30-60 characters; over 7,500 accessions evaluated in resistance/tolerance to more than one pests/diseases.

– Genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships between germplasm accessions within species of rice, taro, luffa, mango, citrus etc., and within local cultivars were studied by using the molecular marker.

– A Vietnamese-English bi-lingual application software was built and operated for management of registers and passport data of 40,000 germplasm of 300 crop

Information for promoting exploitation and utilization of germplasm

–  A website on plant genetic resources of Vietnam has been developed and managed:  https://www.pgrvietnam.org.vn

–  Using GIS to develop maps of PGR surveys in Vietnam and make the map on distribution of genetic resources.

– Providing and exchanging information on PGR conservation and utilization in and out country.

– Using information and communication to promote PGR exploitation and utilization.

4. Exploitation and Use of Genetic Germplasm

– Every year over 2,000 times of germplasm and information are provided for the needs of research, breeding and production.

– Some varieties collected from the collections in the National Plant Genebank have been temporarily released such as water taro KM-1, sweet potato for leaves (KLR1, KLR3, KLR5) and Duoi chon do flower. Potential varieties which have been exploited and used: Taro KS-4, sesame V?11, white peanut, Song Ma soybeans, Sonla mung beans etc.

5. Training, Education and  Consultancy

The Center often organize training courses, and consult for work relating to the conservation and sustainable use of PGR; collect and disseminate  traditional knowledge on PGR conservation and sustainable use.

6. International Cooperation

Cooperative relationships were developed with different international institutions, including Bioversity International, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Asian Vegetable Development and Research Center (AVDRC), International Tropical Agricultural Center (CIAT), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ford Foundation,  and foreign research institutions, such as the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS), the National Genetic Resources Maintenance Center of America and so on.

Plant Resources Center was awarded the Third-Level Labor Medal by State, 02 Merit by the Prime Minister, 02 Merit by General Confederation of Labour of Vietnam and a lot of merits from the Minister and Labour Union of MARD for many contributions to the research and agricultural development in Vietnam.


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